This is the room that will one day be our baby's nursery. I love the big window that lets light in and also the plantation shutters to keep light out when it's nap time!
When we moved in, the portion of the wall above the high chair rail was red, as was the entire ceiling!!! So Brian and I spent the weekend priming and painting over the red, and got it all back to a crisp white.
So the room is now a blank canvas for us to pain a baby theme whenever we find out if we'll be adopting a baby boy or girl or both! Actually, I already have an idea brewing that I want to paint argyle diamonds on the wall. It will be a preppy baby room! And I figure that if I pick the right colors it could work for a girl or a boy.
The dresser was mine until recently when we bought bedroom furniture for our master bedroom. It is from IKEA, and I thought I could paint it to coordinate with whatever colors we paint the room. It is also deep enough that we can put a diaper changing pad foam pad thingy on top of it, and it can be our changing station.
A collection of children's books from my own growing up years...
Hope to see you on the wait list soon!
I have warm fuzzies!!
This is going to be a great nursery! I like your preppy idea :)
I am So SO SO excited for both you and Brian. You will make WONDERFUL parents to your future child(ren).
We are still *thinking* about adoption..:*)
I am smiling from ear to ear...just thinking about a child entering your home!
For the record Raising Ethiopia was my pick for this blog's name thus borrowing from the timeless epic Raising Arizona which involves a loosely similar plot line. I would like to think of Brian and Tracy sitting in lounge chairs outside a single-wide watching a sunset while Nathan Junior plays and unpainted furniture sits in an air conditioned showroom somewhere.
Wake up Son. I'll be taking these Huggies and whatever cash ya got.
I can dream.
You crack me up. And don't worry, just because we chose a different name for our blog--we can still sit in lounge chairs while Junior plays and unpainted furniture sits in an air conditioned showroom somewhere.
Some dreams really do come true!
Looks like it's gonna be a WONDERFUL and warm nursery. Love IT and love YOU!!
Oooh! I just got so excited seeing these photos! What a wonderful nursery this will be for that lucky little blessing you are about to be graced with! Is that "The Giving Tree" I see on that bookshelf? :) One of my favourites! I'd like to think it's one of Little One's faves, but she's only 6 months old and I think she loves anything we read her at this point! ;p
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