Monday, September 21, 2009

The Dream

I guess it was bound to happen. I had a dream a week ago Sunday. For the first time ever, I dreamed I was holding my child. She(!) was very tiny, fragile, and floppy, like most newborns. (Those floppy heads always make me nervous). I was standing with her in my arms and leaning back, trying to prop her up on my chest so her head wouldn't flop around and so she would be more comfortable. Her eyes were closed. She was so fragile. Her name was Joy.

The Redhead likes the name.


Autumn's Mom said...

Aww Joy is a beautiful name :)

Anonymous said...

Joy is a wonderful name. It was the middle name of choice for my first 2 babies (both boys so we didn't use it) and Grace was the middle name of [girl] choice for the next 2 babies (2 more boys!). A pastor friend of ours just gave her little girl the middle name, Hope.
I look forward to "meeting" your child(ren) and learning a new name!

Kim said...

Wow. He is obviously telling you that you are having a girl-at the very least! It's going to be awesome to see what happens shortly!

Melanie said...

You're going to be a wonderful mother, T.

And once one of those little heads officially belongs to you, the floppiness isn't nearly as nerve-wracking. :)

Melanie said...

Oops, that was B.


At any rate, you'll both be great!

Sparkz said...

Wow that's neat. When we were waiting for K I had a VERY similar dream. I dreamed that we got a little girl and that she was tiny and the best part was when they handed her to me I was the happiest I had ever felt. It was pretty close to that when we got K except the she was a he- and there was still fear in my mind that somehow it wasn't all happening- So I wasn't AS happy as in the dream. Still it was wonderful! Can't wait for you dreams to come true!

Ginny said...

That is a beautiful dream, a gift from God. My middle name is joy and i hope to pass it along to a child one day. :) I love it. I'm sorry I'm late in posting to this, you'll probalby never read this but I couldn't help it because this is such a sweet dream. :)

J said...

Joy...that's my mom's name. :) What a lovely dream. Can't wait until it's true. And even if you never get a newborn, don't worry. You get used to the floppy head pretty darned quick.