Dear R and B,
Earlier this week, I received an update on you sent by a Gladney staff member working in Ethiopia. Along with his update, he sent a photo of each of you. You are both so precious, and I can hardly wait to hold you in my arms! Here is what the Gladney staff member said about you:
B is a content little guy who has this intense little gaze—almost like he can peer into your soul. He really likes to focus on your face and it can be difficult to get him to look elsewhere sometimes! Today, he enjoyed sucking on his fingers and really liked it when I stroked his cheek. I got quite a few coo’s out of him when I did this. What a delightful little baby!
Oh, my soulful little baby! I wish I could show the world your beautiful face, but since I can't I'll at least share a little glimpse of your sweet little hand. Soon those tiny fingers will be wrapped around one of my own!

And this is what he had to say about my big boy:
Oh, R! I guess you are truly a BOY--already with a bandage on your forehead! I wish I could be there to kiss away the owies--soon, I hope!
Lately, when I have visited R, he has vacillated between stranger anxiety and gregariousness. Generally, he is pretty outgoing, happy and ready to play. But occasionally, when I come to visit, he will back off and not seem so comfortable engaging with the ferenji-who-only-visits-occasionally*. But overall, he’s a happy little guy (look at the expression on his face in the picture!). I think he just wants to make sure everything is okay before jumping in head first, so to speak. His caregivers help him feel that security, which of course, is completely appropriate and normal. He’s a real delight! NOTE: The bandage on R’s forehead was placed there by the doctor at the foster care centers due to the fact that R fell and bumped his head on a window sill. It left a bit of a scratch and a bruise, so the doctor put a padded bandage on the injury to cushion it in case R bumps it against anything.

In the meantime, I've gotta say that your curls are just to die for! I can't wait to meet you, to hold you, and to give you kisses on top of that head of awesome curls.
I love you both so much it hurts!
Last week, I found a book of nursery rhymes that your Nana gave me on my third birthday. One of the nursery rhymes is called "The Moon", and it made me think of you:
I see the moon and the moon sees me.
The moon sees the one that I want to see.
God bless the moon and God bless me,
And God bless the one that I want to see!
As we sleep under the same moon separated by thousands of miles, may our Great God bless us all as He holds us in the palm of His caring hand.
*A ferenji is what a white foreigner is called in Ethiopia.
Oh my! How great to get details and pictures. I know how much you cherish even those small details. I can't wait for you to go hug those boys!
Well, Praise the Lord!
How wonderful to hear details and peer at beautiful photos!!!
We're praying for you and following along every step of the way; Christine and I prayed for you together on the phone yesterday....
XXOO, and soon to be XXXXOOOO,
Carol in Dallas
Everytime I read an update from you it makes me cry!! I can't wait to see you with the 2 boys you so desire to be with!! They are so special. God always sends us the perfect babies!! Soon my friend soon...
Sherrie xox
PRECIOUS!!!!! Updates like that are such a blessing. SO thrilled for you and praying August 4th is a big thumbs up! :o) Angel
So precious! I love these updates and I look forward to the JOY beyond all joys yet known when you finally get to be with your children. ♥
What a lovely post, and what a lovely mom you're going to be. You are already.
So, so beautiful Tracy!! What a beautiful thing to see your family put together by the Hand of God!
I LOVE that peom. So sweet. I just giggle when I think about R's owie. I imagine that he is proud of his battle wound. Boys!! :)
So fun meeting your mother in law this weekend. I hope she made it to her friends safely! Your boys are PRECIOUS!!!! Amazing how a country across the world can unite people. Excited about your upcoming travel, I'll be following closely.
Tracy - I've loved your story and the "It's a Boy & It's a Boy" video! I think I've sent everyone I know to your blog to watch this clip this week! So excited for you both! Praying for the most perfect news on July 19th!
Hi Tracy, I saw your comment on my friend John Cordes' blog. I live in Katy and attend the Fellowship. God has placed a burden on my heart for orphans and I'm praying about what that means, since my husband is not ready to adopt right now. I just wanted you to know that I will be reading and praying for you...
Oh, and when those beautiful boys do come home, I would be happy to do a portait session for you if you charge. (I'm a portrait photog)
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